- Receiving reports of misconduct in connection with the performance of work or professional activities (misconduct),
- handling of the notification received,
- the protection of the whistleblowe and other persons,
- the protection of information contained in notifications,
- ensuring communication with the whistleblower.
What does a Whistleblowe Protection Act Notice mean?
The notice must contain information about the possible violation that has occurred or is about to occur and must also identify the whistleblower. In the case of an anonymous notification, protection is only due from the moment the identity of the whistleblower comes to light.
- Has the characteristics of a criminal offence,
- has the characteristics of a misdemeanour for which a fine may be imposed, the upper limit of which is at least CZK 100 000;
- otherwise violates the Whistleblower Protection Act;
- violates other European Union legislation in the relevant areas (financial services, consumer protection, competition protection, etc.).
Who can be a whistleblower?
Any natural person who has become aware of a violation in connection with work or other similar activities for Robertshaw CZ Limited may report their suspicions.
The whistleblower and other affected individuals (employees, self-empolyed, volunteers, trainees or interns, contractors, etc.) are protected from retaliation, i.e. acts/omissions in connection with the whistleblower´´ s work that may cause harm.
The whistleblower should act in the public interest and in the good faith belief that the report being made is based on credible facts and evidence. Exempted from notification are information subjekc to the obligation to protect classified information and information the disclosure of which could clearly jeopardise ongoing criminal proceedings, as well as special information subject to protection under the law governing crisis management.
A person who files a report containing any of the above information is not only not protected under Act No. 171/2023 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers, but may commit and offence, a disciplinary offence or even a criminal offence.
Nor can a person who has knowingly made a false report claim protection.
Who can you contant?
The PERSON appointed for Robertshaw CZ Limited: u
Dominika Pudlová, Marcela Crhonková
How can you report your suspicions?
- In writing to:
Robertshaw CZ Limited,
Human Resources – Mgr. Dominika Pudlová or Marcela Crhonková
Dlouhá 2152/4, 785 01 Šternberk
mark the correspondence: ´´ ´ DO NOT OPEN - only to the hands of the relevant person´´ ´.
or by e-mail: dominika.pudlova@robertshaw.com; marcela.crhonkova@robertshaw.com
- by phone: +420 587 805 204
- personally orally: on request within a reasonable time to the designated PERSON RESPONSIBLE
How will your notification be investigated?
The whistleblower will be notified:
- within 7 days (of submission) of receipt of the notification (in writing, verball,y on request in person)
- within 30 days (from receipt) written notification of the assessment of the validity of the notification (max. 2 extensions of 30 days)
- immediately after the adoption of the measure - if the notification is assessed as justified